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Fixed gear
Fixed gear
Theory & practice

Lucia Nera

I found it tied up onto a rail, in via dei Fori Imperiali. It had been sitting there for three months, without the front wheel and slowly without a saddle, then the handle bars, etc. . . I had been looking at it for a while and I kept thinking. It might belong to someone. The sometime later, I thought; maybe someone doesn’t want it anymore, maybe they went away and left I there, just like that.

At the end I took it. I got some big scissors and I took it away from there like a thief. I was a thief actually, under the regulations.

The frame is from Padova, make; Robur; I threw all the rest away because it wasn’t necessary for my needs; a fixed bike for stolling.

The handle bar is dutch, the saddle is English, the wheels german. A war, some time ago.

I painted it with black paint mixed with tiny pieces of aluminum, and as it was laying to dry I threw tiny microspheres of glass, to give the reflector effect.

This is why it’s called Lucia Nera; a luminous black, if stroken by a ray of light.

It has a 42/21 ratio. Very comfortable, slow and very manageable for a fixed bike. I can brake even if I’m half asleep.

Italy, today, now This website is published under Creative Commons License